For the vinyl edition

of Woody & Paul's album ‘Heroes and Zeros’, the band invited their favorite illustrators to design a cover. In the end, twenty-eight artists, both amateur and professional, participated in the project. Each cover was screen printed by the band. The project is a reaction to the soulless and anonymous nature of mass production. It was also intended to reflect the band’s DIY ethic and alternative sound. One sleeve resembles a target used in shooting practice. On closer inspection, it becomes clear that both the sleeve and the record inside are sporting a bullet hole.

The ‘Heroes and Zeros’ project was published by Thames and Hudson in the book Collector's Edition: Innovative Packaging and Graphics by Stuart Tolley in 2014.

Artist lineup
Bart Waalen, Darko Groenhagen, Erik Sjouerman, Erwin Thomasse, Geert Oosterhof, Hans de Wit, Jan Doms, Jeroen Erosie, Johan Moorman, Joshua van Iersel, Josine Beugels, Lucas Maassen, Maarten Donders, Melle de Boer, Michiel Corten, Myrte Coemans, Paul van Hulten, Peer Veneman, Peter van de Riet, Pieter Wels, Richard Nijhuis, Rik van Iersel, Teun Jansen, Thom Dubé, Vincent Dams, Wolf Aartsen and Woody Veneman.


The Singing Building


The Singing Chair